Hair Mesotherapy

Reduce hair loss and improve hair texture

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Hair has an undeniable connotation of seduction and strength both for women and men. Losing hair can become distressing when the loss is rapid and in significant amounts.

What is alopecia?

It is the partial or total loss of hair or body hair. In men, it's most often a hereditary alopecia, clearly defined, affecting primarily the areas around the forehead and temples, then the top of the scalp. In women, it occurs more diffusely, particularly at the vertex, especially during periods of stress or after pregnancy. The cause of alopecia areata, characterized by very limited hair loss, is still undetermined.

 hair mesotherapy  alopecia

How does hair mesotherapy work in your aesthetic medicine center in Paris?

The mesotherapy performed at the aesthetic medicine center in Paris involves directly supplying the hair root with the revitalizing cocktail it needs. It accelerates scalp circulation, allows the hair bulbs to nourish, and reactivates deficient hair follicles. This is why it is essential to act before the roots disappear completely.

What are the best indications for hair mesotherapy?

In men, it is alopecia up to stage 4. In women, it is stage 2 androgenic alopecia.

Do you want to improve the texture of your hair?

Our healthcare professionals are waiting for you.

   hair mesotherapy in Paris

What is the protocol?

About 6 close sessions to boost hair regrowth (every week for 6 weeks), then a maintenance session every 3-4 months.

How does a hair mesotherapy session proceed?

Like any mesotherapy session, after disinfecting the area, it involves multiple injections over the entire surface to be treated, especially the temples and the top of the scalp.

What results can be expected from hair mesotherapy?

Stoppage of hair loss from the 3rd session, resumption of growth with a success rate of 80% at 3 months.


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